

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Summary: Lessons in Decision Making

Lessons in Decision Making:  In the past nine posts, lessons for presenting the principles of decision making have been shared.  This is a summary of those lessons with links to each one.  Hopefully this summarizing post can assist you in presenting these principles and skills to your children.  

Time spent in discussion and practice between parent and child is important as these precepts are taught.

Lesson 1:  Lessons in Decision Making

Lesson2:  Learning about Decisions

Lesson 3:  What is My Will?

Lesson 3B:  A Character Development Story:  I'll Do it Later

Lesson 4:  Determination and Decision Making

Lesson 5:  My Conscience

Lesson 6:  Reason's Role in Decision Making

Lesson 7:  The Three Questions of Decision Making 

Lesson 8:  Keeping Moods and Feelings in their Proper Place

Lesson 9:  Dealing with Peer Pressure

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