Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Family Activities for Summertime

Summer can be a busy time.  Family vacations, tending gardens, canning and freezing fruits and vegetables, swimming lessons, and more take up our days.  For most homeschool families, the pace of home education changes during this time.  Even for those who school year-around, the more traditional academics are usually set aside while my active pursuits take precedence for education.  Even though we are busy with our children during these days, sometimes individual time and attention can be lost unless specific attention is given to spending time doing things together that promote communication and togetherness.  In her book, Survival for Busy Women, Emilie Barnes shares a list of ideas that promote planned family events.  She suggests that these be combined with a family conference (discussion time where family issues are discussed) on a weekly basis.  Here are some of her suggested activities:

*Make a collage on love.
*Make and fly kites.

*Assemble a puzzle.
*Write and produce a play.

*View family movies or videos.
*Have family celebrations.

*Exercise together.
*Have a make-up party.

*Have a fix-it night.
*Make a terrarium.

*Write letters to grandparents.
*Cook and bake.

*Make and sail a boat.
*Play board games.

*Tell stories.
*Put on a puppet show.

*Go on picnics.
*Model clay.

*Ride bicycles.
*Play charades.

*Visit a farm.
*Have discussions and debates.

*Have a fire drill.
*Make Christmas ornaments and candles.

Emilie Barnes shares that a list of family activities is limited only by our imagination!  These times play a valuable part in establishing harmony, respect, and pride in the family unit.

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