Friday, September 16, 2011

Children, the Most Precious Gift

Children are the most precious gift. According to Psalm 127:3 they are a heritage. It says that “children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him.”

The dictionary defines gift as something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance; a present.

Such favor from God can only be appropriately met by placing much value upon it. We can show our children that they are valued by loving, cherishing, and appreciating them. Kind words, a gentle touch, and an ear that always listens can bless them and show them their merit. It is a favor that exists simply because they exist and it is one that is not earned.

Tangible affirmation reminds children that they are valued. Years ago, when my children were in early elementary school, I cross-stitched a verse that said “Children, the most precious gift”. It was framed as the focal point between two old-fashioned art prints of children and hung as a unit over the sofa in the living room. Placed there, it held place of significance in our home and served to remind the children that they were important to us. This framed art remained as the central focus during their teenage years. Although they are now young adults and living on their own, I’ve decided that the framed art and cross-stitched message remains. No matter what the age, children are a blessing and it is our responsibility as parents to affirm this to them always.

Blessings are words of affirmation and love spoken to another. When a parent speaks these words and then exhibits them by action or deed, the child is blessed beyond measure. Gary Smalley and John Trent speak of the five elements of the blessing in their book by the same title. These elements are a meaningful touch, a spoken message, the attachment of high value to the one being blessed, the creation of a word picture of the special future perceived to the one being blessed, and an active commitment to fulfill the blessing. Although all parents can share the blessing with their children, the homeschool parent has a greater opportunity to pass this blessing along to their off-spring simply because of the dedicated amount of time he or she spends with them. The creation of a warm and responsive environment facilitates a positive sense of self-worth in children, blesses them, and helps them develop intellectually and to his or her full potential.

Today, thank God for the special opportunity He has given you to homeschool your children. And don’t forget to give your children an extra hug and words of affirmation! They are His gift.

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