

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Source of True Knowledge

Scripture tells us that all true knowledge comes from God.  Therefore, establishing an educational philosophy that uses this platform as a base for homeschool planning and instruction is prudent.  Just as love comes from God, all true knowledge comes from Him.  Discovering how to access this knowledge and being able to determine how to distinguish it from error is vital. Our heavenly Father is a loving parent who desires all of our hearts and who provides access to His glory through His Son.  We learn of Him and of all He exemplifies by several means. By daily communion with Him through meditation and prayer He speaks to our hearts and, if we listen, we will hear His voice.  As we participate in daily study of His perfect standard of truth, the Holy Scriptures, He reveals truths that the Holy Spirit helps us to understand.  The mystery of godliness is made clear and His wisdom is expressed through His word.  He also shares true knowledge with us through the things He has created.  Through the revelation of the works He has made, we learn of His love.  The perfect things of nature are a reflection of His character and teach us truths about our existence and of life.  Nature’s object lessons and expressions of beauty are an application of the true knowledge that we read about in His word. Knowing the ways that God shares true knowledge with us, through communion with Him, the study of Scripture, and nature observation, we can establish a foundation for a homeschool course of study that uses these tools as a foundation for the intellectual growth and development of the whole child.  All true knowledge is revealed through Him.  All we need to do is to tap into it.

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