

Friday, March 4, 2011

Principles of Education Exemplify the Character of God


Adam and Eve sinned and the world was never the same.  They were banned from their garden home.  Although they no longer could walk and talk with God, the opportunities of the highest education for life were  and are still available to humankind  through Christ. True education is still a part of God’s plan.  The basic and elemental principles of education are unchanged.  All His precepts are sure.  They stand forever and ever.  [Psalm 111:7 & 8].  These are the principles that exemplify the character of God.  As the student enters into a relationship with Christ, he becomes a teammate with Christ as he studies to comprehend these principles to the greatest degree.  Jesus Christ is the foundation of all truth [1 Corinthians 3:11] and God in all His fullness is pleased to live in Christ [Colossians 1:19].  Jesus came to Earth to bridge the gap that sin brought.  Through Jesus, the principles of God’s character are revealed to all.  The process of education continues.

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