

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Joy of Service

When considering love as the basis of true education, we can reflect upon the two great commandments of the new covenant. The first is God’s desire that we love the Lord with our entire heart, soul, strength, and mind [Luke 10:27] and the second is that we love our neighbor as our self [Matthew 22:39]. By doing this, we find that His power and strength recreates us into His image. God is love, and when we align ourselves to Him, this love reflects back into our hearts and is shown by the love we express to everyone around us. God does this not only for us, but for every being on the planet. You have probably heard it said that to our children, we represent God and His character. So, it is vital that we keep connected to divine love on a daily basis as we exemplify and reflect His character. By serving those in our homes we show God’s love. By modeling loving behaviors to those in our neighborhood, church, and to others around the world we teach our children the joy of service. Too often it is easy to get caught up in simple daily tasks, forgetting that God commissions us to serve not only in our family circle, but to those in need all around us. And what a joy and pleasure it is to be given the opportunity to home educate so that we can incorporate principles of service into our children’s hearts and minds as they inculcate the principle of love for themselves. Go, reach out, and touch someone today. And take your children with you.

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