Last week when we visited Dad and Alma, one of the boys early projects was sitting on the nightstand in the guest room. So simple, yet sweet, these leaf art pictures have graced the guest room for nearly 10 years now.
If there are young children in your family, this is a great project to do with them! Here's how:
- Purchase small frames. They do not need to be expensive. Frames from a place like the Dollar Store or WalMart work perfectly. Remove the colored 'advertising' in the frame. In it's place, insert a piece of plain white paper.
- At the craft store, purchase a sheet of beeswax. With sharp scissors, cut it to the same size as the 'advertising' paper you removed from the frame. Place the beeswax on top of the plain white paper.
- Sprinkle extra fine "prisma" glitter sparsely on the beeswax.
- Place one dried leaf per sheet of beeswax. Center it carefully, so that it looks like it's falling from a tree.
- Put the frame together, with the glass layer going on top of the leaf and beeswax. Secure tightly and enjoy.
*This project also works well with dried flowers.