

Monday, August 29, 2011

How Children Learn

Observing how children learn can help the teacher-parent tailor the method and resources for home learning so that it most effectively matches the needs of the child. Children develop and grow consistently through stages or steps of cognitive development. Every preschool child is pre-operational in their ability to understand things around them. Simply said, it is not possible for children below seven years of age to comprehend logic. They can, though, start to think in symbols and images. As they near four years old, they are able to start thinking intuitively and ask lots of "why" questions as they discover the world around them. At about seven years old and on until they are eleven, children enter the concrete operational stage and begin to develop new ways of thinking and reasoning, but these thinking skills are only those associated with concrete skills, as they are not able to yet think in an abstract manner until about eleven years old.  From eleven years and on through adulthood individuals are able to think logically and to solve problems. They are able to use hypothetical-deductive reasoning at this stage. This is called the formal operational stage.  Children are quite predictable as they pass through each stage of development.  

For the teaching-parent, instructional methods should take into consideration which stage of development the child is in. Learning is a process that begins at birth, and for successful education of the child, the way a child is taught and the interaction that takes place between parent and child is important. Trying to rush a child from one stage to the next will only cause frustration and despair!  Although a child might express excitement for school as young as three or four, studies have shown that those started with formal instruction at such a young age are generally burned out and pressured by school by about 4th grade. Educational psychologists frequently recommend that if possible, children be allowed to wait until eight or nine years of age before starting formal instruction, both at home or in a traditional school setting. Too much close work before this time can result in permanent damage of the central nervous system and cause problems with vision and hearing.

So what types of things can a teacher-parent do to help a child grow and learn without causing burn-out? The most important factor is a close attachment between parent and child. Time spent exploring the world together instructs the child and helps them to have a broad base in which to build academics at an age-appropriate time. Nurturing a child through life experiences, reading to them, playing games, kitchen activities, and nature exploration all give the child an opportunity to learn and develop naturally. Providing opportunities for tactile experiences (finger painting, sand boxes, playing in the dirt) gives them opportunity to experience differences in the world around them. Listening to sounds as mother or father read stories or sing a phonics song help them differentiate. Tasting foods that are salty, sweet, sour, or bitter expand their horizons! Seeing colorful objects stimulate the brain. And interacting with them verbally in an intelligent way (without baby-talk) helps them develop vocabulary skills and assists them in building a base for future reference. Brain cells grew and multiply at a fantastic rate during early childhood years, but young children do not need workbooks or structured lessons to achieve brain growth. Quality time, purposefully instructing about life around them, and interacting with them thoughtfully each day will benefit them in ways that a workbook or formal preschool curriculum ever could!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Scheduling the Day

Establishing a homeschool routine is important, even for those who advocate the unschool approach.  Children seem to thrive when they have routine and structure in their lives.  It can be relaxed and informal, but they find security in knowing what comes next.  Routine helps them to plan their day.  They know that after work comes play, or that lunch comes at a specific time.  If children know what the schedule is and that it is followed daily, they are less likely to balk at quiet time, piano practice, or math drills.  A routine makes life easier for both the child and the teacher-parent.

Let's take a look at a simple daily schedule.  Of course yours may be different, as it should be, since it will reflect your needs and unique family structure.  A schedule should be adapted to fit your specific needs.  This will give you a general idea of what a daily schedule can be for elementary age children:

7:00 am - wake up, get dressed, tidy room

7:30 am - breakfast

8:00 am - morning chores (dishes, feed pets, empty waste baskets, sweep floor, clear table, fold laundry and put away, etc.)

9:00 am - worship time (Bible story, character development lessons, thankfulness chart, prayer requests, prayer, song and praise)

9:30 am - daily school routines (pledge of allegiance, days of the week, months of the year, alphabet or counting reviews, weather chart; journaling)

10:00 am - Bible class (study Bible lesson, scripture memorization)

10:30 am - Language Arts (phonograms, handwriting, reading, composition, spelling)

11:00 am - Math (number charts, math games, math manipulative's, applied math, practice sheets, drills)

11:30 am - History/Social Studies (read biographies of famous people, learn about history of the country you live, learn about traditions and holidays of children in other countries, etc.)

Noon - lunch time and clean-up chores, rest or quiet time

1:00 pm - Science (take a nature walk, work on nature journal, use guide books to help identify birds, animals, plants, and trees)

2:00 pm - PE time (planned physical exercise like jump rope, kick ball, soccer, jogging on track, etc.)

3:00 - 5:00 pm - individual responsibilities (music practice, playtime, service projects, family business opportunities; applied arts projects like cooking, woodworking, sewing, gardening)

5:30 pm - suppertime and clean-up

6:00 pm - time with dad and family activities

8:00 pm - prepare for bedtime, allowing at least 30 minutes for parent to read to child, then tuck-in time

9:00 pm - good night!

Comments and questions are welcome!  What does your homeschool schedule look like?  Please share, as your ideas will help others.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Teaching is. . .

As homeschool families start a new school year, these words of encouragement written by Raymond Moore help keep the focus on the purpose of education and provide wisdom as teacher-parents establish their family's homeschool philosophy.  He writes:

Teaching is inspiring a  student rather than filling him with facts.  It is responding to him rather than demanding of him.  It is motivating him to explore on his own rather than controlling his explorations.  It is inducing him to think, rather than repeating others' thoughts.  Teaching is leading others to be like you --- and more.  It is finding lessons in everything you see, hear smell taste, and touch, bringing them together to give deeper meaning and fulfillment to life.

Dr. Raymond Moore
Home Style Teaching

Monday, August 8, 2011

This Year

This year I will encourage interests.
This year I will stretch minds.
This year I will engage hearts.
This year I will disciple.
This year I will point the direction.
This year I will lead the way.
This year I will look for mastery.
This year I will wait for understanding.
This year I will take longer.
This year I will listen more.
This year I will laugh.
This year I will light fires.